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一、 工作内容及安排

1. 答辩材料提交与报送:







2. 研究生网上提交毕业申请:3月12日前临床医学院根据研究生报送的个人信息(一、1. )协助国际研究生完成系统内信息维护和网上提交毕业申请。

3. 导师审核研究生毕业申请:3月16日前请导师确认研究生是否已达到毕业要求,并在研究生管理系统中,对已网上提交毕业申请的研究生进行系统内审核。操作方法见《毕业审核导师操作环节说明》(文件2)。



2.凡答辩资格审核时使用SCI论文清样状态提出申请的学生,请务必确保发表论文在临床医学院学科评议组会议召开之前正式刊出! 学院将于学科组会议召开(约6月初)前5天左右给予提示及论文状态重新核查,届时仍未正式刊出者,将按照此次申请无效处理。




1. 各培养单位:请与医院科教部门联系;

2. 国际研究生工作咨询:周老师


办公地点:济南市文化西路 44 号,云鼎娱乐最新网站趵突泉校区教学八号楼 1 层,临床医学院研究生办公室




The contents of this notice and its attachments are subject to the Chinese part, while the English part is for reference only. Relevant attachments have been sent to relevant Wechat group.

All units and international graduate students:

In the first half of 2021, the specific arrangements for the qualification review of international graduate students’ dissertation / thesis defense are as follows. Each unit and student who intends to apply for degree shall complete all of the works within the specified time in strict accordance with the requirements of this notice!

Important Note:

Please submit application carefully: please make sure that your supervisor agrees to your dissertation / thesis defense application and agrees to organize subsequent defense for you. Degree applicants should carefully submit application. After the application is approved, all applicants’ dissertations / theses need to be external reviewed; after dissertations / theses are reviewed and approved, all applicants need to participate in defense; after the defense is passed, all dissertations / theses need to be tested for academic misconduct. During the whole period, those who give up getting the dissertations / theses reviewed or defense or test of academic misconduct will be regarded as the same as those who fail to pass the review of dissertations / theses, or defense or academic misconduct test, shall be deemed as this application is invalid."

. Work contents and arrangements:

1. Defense materials submission:

1Graduate students submit defense materials: before March 9, students please prepare materials in accordance with the List of Materials to be Submitted for the Qualification Review of Dissertation Thesis Defense, students who are currently in Jinan please submit your materials directly to Education Department of Hospital; students who are currently not in Jinan please classify the materials in accordance with the format of "Template of folder for submission of defense materials" put the corresponding materials into the corresponding subfolders → name the folder correctly → compress the folder with the same name → send it (as a compressed folder) to the Email of Education Department of Hospital (document 6) and the Email of teacher of School of Medicine (zhouxuan@email.sdu.edu.cn) at the same time.

2Hospitals summarize, pre review and submit materials

Each hospital please conducts preliminary review on the qualification of defense and materials submitted by international graduate students applying for PhD and Master's degree. Those who fail to meet the requirements of the training program cannot submit materials;

Each hospital please input those who passed the preliminary review into the forms named《国际研究生申请学位人员名单(List of candidates (International) for PhD and Master’s degree)and《国际研究生申请博士、硕士毕业科研成果登记表(Registration Form of Achievements in Scientific Research);

Please submit the 《国际研究生申请学位人员名单(List of candidates (International) for PhD and Master’s degree)》(signed by secretary and stamped by hospitalone paper version and one electronic version, 《国际研究生申请博士、硕士毕业科研成果登记表(Registration Form of Achievements in Scientific Research)》(electronic versionand defense materials submitted by students to Graduate Education Office of School of Medicine (north side of the first floor of No. 8 Building). The List and Registration Form both in electronic version should be sent to wangmumu601@sdu.edu.cn

Deadline for hospitals submitting materials: Before 5:00 p. m., March 12

  2. Graduate students submit graduation application online: before March 12, teacher of School of Medicine assists international graduate students to complete information maintenance in the system and submit graduation application online according to the personal information (I, 1. ).

  3. Supervisors review students’ graduation application onlineBefore March 16, supervisors please review whether the students have met graduation requirements, and give results in the graduate management system. For operation method, please refer to “Instructions for Supervisor's Operation on Review of Graduation Application” (document 2).

. Other relevant regulations and requirements

1. According to the Graduate Students Management Measures of Shandong University, it is clarified that "supervisor is the first responsible person in charge of graduate student’s training". When an international graduate student submits application for dissertation defense, the supervisor shall, in accordance with the training program and training plan for the student, review the completion of the student’s training plan including courses, scientific research work, clinical rotation, the relevance between degree dissertation and published paper, the standardization of the scientific research achievements, the integrity, reliability, authenticity of the original records and other academic codes of conduct (document 3: Graduates Academic Moral Education Documents). For those who are qualified, supervisor shall confirm and sign the “Consent Form – Supervisor Knows and Agrees Graduate Student’s Application for Graduation” (the scanned PDF version of the Consent Form signed by the supervisor shall be submitted this time), and only in this way can students apply for dissertation defense.

2. Students who submitting application with SCI paper in “proof” state, please make sure that your SCI paper can be published officially before the Discipline Appraisal Group Meeting of School of Medicine. School of Medicine will give notice and recheck the status of this paper about 5 days before the Discipline Appraisal Group Meeting (about the beginning of June). If this paper is still not officially published at that time, the application will be invalid.

3. 《云鼎娱乐最新网站博士、硕士学位论文匿名评阅实施办法》 has gave implementation measures for anonymous review of PhD and Master's degree dissertations. For details, please go to the website of Graduate School of Shandong University to download and check. http://www.grad.sdu.edu.cn/info/1014/4008.htm.

4. Please make sure that your dissertation can be finalized around March 12 for the external review. It is expected to start the dissertation submission and anonymous external review in mid-March.

. Contact person and contact information:

1. Each Training Unit: Please contact Education Department of each hospital;

2. Contact person of School of Medicine: Graduate Education Secretary, Zhou

Office Tel: 0531-88382358

Office Location: Graduate Education Office, F1, No.8 Building, Baotuquan Campus, 44 Wenhua West Road, Jinan.

March 1, 2021

Graduate Education Office of School of Medicine