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临床医学院关于2020年上半年国际研究生博士、硕士学位论文预答辩工作的通知 Notice on the International Graduate Students’ Pre-defense Work of PhD and Master's Dissertation in the First Half of 2020
作者:   来源:    发布时间:2020-02-26 16:39:09   浏览次数:








1. 因受疫情影响,提倡借助“钉钉”等通讯工具进行视频预答辩,并全程记录,留存预答辩全过程视频资料备查;

2. 《云鼎娱乐最新网站博士学位论文预答辩意见书》及《齐鲁医学院博士研究生预答辩及学位论文原始数据真实性承诺书》(见齐鲁医学院文件内的附件2无需单独提交,请在学院正式下达答辩资格审核通知后,按照通知时间要求,将预答辩意见书、承诺书与答辩资格审核其他材料一并提交至导师所在医院教育处。








All International Graduate Students of School of Medicine:

According to 《关于进一步规范博士学位论文预答辩和答辩工作的通知》(山大研字【200731号)and《齐鲁医学院进一步提升博士学位论文质量实施方案》, for Ph.D. degree candidates, it is necessary to complete the pre-defense of dissertation, and only those who pass the pre-defense can apply for the (official) defense of dissertation. Master's degree candidates are encouraged to do pre-defense of dissertation.

In the first half of 2020, the audit of defense qualification is planned to start in the early March. Students who must and who have the will to do the pre-defense, please complete the pre-defense work of your dissertation before March 12!

The pre-defense work shall be completed with reference to these documents: 《关于进一步规范博士学位论文预答辩和答辩工作的通知》(山大研字【200731号)and《齐鲁医学院进一步提升博士学位论文质量实施方案》

P. S.

1. Due to the impact of the epidemic situation, it is recommended to adopt video pre-defense with the help of application called "DingTalk"(“钉钉”) or other communication tools, the whole process must be recorded, and the video data of the whole process of pre defense must be kept for future reference;

2. 《云鼎娱乐最新网站博士学位论文预答辩意见书》(Written Opinion on Pre-defense of PhD and Master's Dissertation, SDU) and《齐鲁医学院博士研究生预答辩及学位论文原始数据真实性承诺书》(Letter of Commitment on the Authenticity of the Original Data of the Pre-defense and Dissertation) (which is the attachment 2 in the Annex 2) are not required to be submitted separately. Please submit the Written Opinion of Pre-defense, Letter of Commitment and other materials for audit of defense qualification to the Education Department of your supervisor's hospital after School of Medicine officially inform the notice on audit of defense qualification.

3. For non-first degree applicants, please note:

If the concealed evaluation of the dissertations of the previous degree application department fails (or appeal rejected), the pre defense work of the dissertations shall be carried out again this time, and the revised research contents of the dissertations shall be reported again in the pre defense;

If there is any objection to the anonymous review of previous dissertation, but the appeal is successful, the student only applying for conferring this time, there is no need to do the pre-defense of the dissertation again;

If there are other reasons such as the dissertation was identified as academic misconduct, failure in defense, the supervisor's opinion was that the dissertation did not meet the requirements of the degree application, which lead to the failure of the degree application, it is necessary to complete the pre-defense this time.

Relevant attachments have been sent to relevant wechat group.

Graduate Education Office, School of Medicine
