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Graduation Requirement for foreign Post-graduates
作者:院办   来源:临床医学院    发布时间:2014-03-17 10:31:18   浏览次数:

Master Degree
1. Pass all the courses;
2. Finish the Frontier science forum at least 8 times(Hand in the booklet to the office when you apply for the graduation);
3. Rotation in the hosptial according to the tutor's requirement and qualified
If you need a Booklet to record, come to the office for one);
4. Finish thesis writing by yourself follow the
Shandong University Degree Thesis Writing Specification. Thesis should be closely combined with clinical practice, and summarize the clinical practical experience.
5.The supervisors agree your graduation..
6. Pass the thesis defense.
7. Publish a paper on a formal journal (excluding conference papers, abstract and supplement). The published paper must be related to your thesis' research. You must be the first author, and the author first unit shall be Shandong University. Or publish a paper on a SCI journal. The published paper must be related to your thesis' research. You must be one of the article authors, and the author first unit shall be Shandong University. And in the 2nd case, your thesis must be reviewed by the outside unit anonymously.
Note: For master, press proof and acceptance letter with stemp is valid, acceptance email is void.

  The 7 requirements are necessary for the graduation and the degree. If you qualified the 1-6, but failed 7, you would only get your graduation certificate. You have to put off until you publish a paper then you could get your degree certificate. If you could not publish a paper in the school length (Master:4 years, PhD 6 years) , it means you could not get your degree certificate anymore.

Doctor Degree

1. Pass all the courses;

2. Finish the Frontier science forum at least 8 times(Hand in the booklet to the office when you apply for the graduation);
3. Rotation in the hosptial according to the tutor's requirement and qualified

4. Finish thesis writing by yourself follow the
Shandong University Degree Thesis Writing Specification. Thesis should be closely combined with clinical practice, and summarize the clinical practical experience.
5.The supervisors agree your graduation..
6. Pass the thesis defense.
PhD students are obligated to publish at least one SCI paper related to their dissertation (excluding conference papers, abstract and supplement issue) as primary author (Shandong University as primary institution of primary author) during the PhD degree period.


1.PhD candidates who fail to meet the requirements of dissertation will be conferred the doctor graduate diploma. PhD candidates who publish dissertation within the next two years will be conferred the academic degree “Doctor of Philosophy” (PhD).

2. Note: For Ph.D., press proof and published on line is valid, acceptance em