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Graduaction Notice 1 for foreign students-Y2016
作者:院办   来源:临床医学院    发布时间:2016-03-17 08:30:14   浏览次数:
Students who intend to apply for the degree please come to the Post-Graduates Office of Medical School ( Second Floor, 8 Teaching Building) to register in the afternoon of 2016.03.22 and apply for graduation online on 2016.03.23-2016.03.24 

1.Please bring the following things.
    a. Publication (or
press proof and acceptance letter with stemp )
     b.Thesis Abstracts( Both in Chinese and English, electronic version and paper version)
     c. Agreements signed by the tutor. Professor Agreement←click to download.

2. The qualified applicant must submit the application online on schedule. After March 25th, the  system will close which would affect the graduaction.

Note: Since the system is in Chinese, please come to the office to do that.