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Notice for International Students Attending Lecture on Introduction to the University Libraries and their Services.
作者:院办   来源:临床医学院    发布时间:2016-10-10 11:29:30   浏览次数:

Dear international students:

In order to help you better understand how to use our university libraries and to further enhance your ability to study and conduct researches, the library will hold a lecture for international students:

Title: Introduction to the University Libraries and their Services

Date: October 13, 2016 (Thursday)

Time: 14:20-15:30

Place: A0312, Lecture Hall (3rd floor), Block A, Zhixin Building

Participants: All 2016 degree students are required to attend.

Kindly note that the school will take a record of all students in attendance and a copy will be placed on each students’ personal files.

After the lecture arrangements will be made to visit the Jiang Zhen Library and Library Branch of Arts and Science.

Please attend the lecture and be sure to be on time.



Department of International Affairs

International Student Office  

October 9, 2016